A Thousand Channels

Episode Four

The fourth and final episode of this iteration of A Thousand Channels documents some of the collective moments shared during Colomboscope: Language is Migrant: the Hearing Voices Café, documented through the voices of artist Dorá Garcia and a few of her many co-authors, and the live performances of trilingual performance platform KACHA KACHA. Through sound artist Elin Már Øyen Vister and invited ornithological experts, the birds of Sri Lanka take centre stage through discussions of imperative ecological challenges and collective field listening – both contributions intended as resources for wider public interest. We end with a playlist of protest songs that reflect the wide and ongoing social struggles taking place on the island in 2022. Click on ‘audio notes’ on each piece for more background information, translations and tracklists. Desktop listening with headphones advised!
A project by Syma Tariq
Sound design: Francesca Savoldi
Collaborators: Natasha Ginwala, Anushka Rajendran
Supported by the British Council Sri Lanka and EUNIC
Syma Tariq's research is supported by TECHNE AHRC UK